Bosch, AN, Andrew, Dr ABOSCH at sports.uct.ac.za
Fri Oct 11 12:18:13 GMT 1996

> New question.. might develop into a thread, but I'm hoping to start a discussion, and follow the whole design process through to a running system.
> Objective: Replace the distributor and points with a blob with some inteligence.
> Does anybody want to join this idea.. or am I on my own for this one?

I'm certainly interested; unfortunately my level of expertise is that 
I will only be able to follow, and unlikely to be on the cutting edge 
of great ideas on it. But hopefully the electronics wizards on the 
list will pick up on the idea.


Dr A. N. Bosch
Physiology Department/ Sports Science Institute
University of Cape Town Medical School
P. O. Box 115
Newlands 7700
South Africa

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