Jennifer Rose javer96 at
Thu Oct 17 01:25:02 GMT 1996

Hi Peter, George, Andrew

The exhuast gas are route to just behind the throttle body in the plenum.
The soot builds up over time, had soak mine in carb cleaner for two days to
get it clean.

My fuel pressure is already at 50 psi static(no vacuum at reg). Would prefer
dittling with the EGR valve itself. Any ideas? California for me unfortunately.

A friend came by intake, plenum, runnner, throttle body, fuel rail with
injectors - no wiring,eletronics. Suggestions on which sysytem to use MAF/MAP.
Any good sources for parts-now use local Upullit and GM Dealer.

Am think about buying a pocket pro to read/burn eproms. Will this be ok for
these eproms Need to keep cost low.


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