Excellent Gasoline FAQ

Darrell Norquay dnorquay at iul-ccs.com
Thu Oct 17 03:53:55 GMT 1996

Yo all:

The other day, whilst surfing about, I chanced across one of the most
informative FAQ's
I have ever seen.  It was on the F-body homepage, and it is a FAQ all about
gasoline.  Now before ya throw up yer hands in disgust, it has sections on
detonation, water injection, octane improvers, how octane is measured,
combustion chamber properties, alternative fuels, and even how to build a
1000Hp Honda Civic engine.  It's a little technical chemistry-wise, but once
ya get through all that it is an excellent read.  It puts to bed a whole lot
of the arguments previously bantered on the list about detonation, the why's
and wherefores.  Also has a bibliography as long as your arm which is alone
worth the price.  Should be required reading for all on this list.

I downloaded it, but it's a pretty big .HTML file, I can only read it with
Netscape.  If someone (Johnny? JSG?) could give me instructions on how and
where to upload it, it would be an excellent addition to the DIY_EFI and
EFI332 websites.  I don't know about the legality of this, but it does have
a big header giving credit to the F-body homepage and the author, so I
imagine it's PD.  If ya can't wait, do a Webcrawler search for F-body
Homepage, it'll take you right to it.


note change of address:
dnorquay at iul-ccs.com

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