Ancient History

Tony Bryant bryantt at
Mon Sep 2 20:53:27 GMT 1996

> >
> >With simple tuning and good physics, this crude system worked very 
> well>indeed. The extremely high quality fuel-air charge made up for 
> much of the>mixture variations that this simple system had and made a 
> very responsive,>decent fuel economy street engine.
> >
> >No moral to this story, just food for thought.  On my DIY conversion I 
> am>thinking about, I plan to put my injectors in the valve pocket if at 
> all>possible for all of the above.  Only thing better would be to steal 
> a>diesel injector and squirt the fuel directly into the chamber against 
> both>intake and exhaust.
> Very good information there; thanks.
> The Djet and Ljet EFI in the aircooled opposed VW and Porsche 914 
> engines sprays directly at the intake valve from three inches away.
> With the Djet, the fuel is squirted in at the beginning of the intake 
> stroke two of the cyls, and at the beginning of the power stroke on the 
> other two cyls, so its operation is compromised.  
> People on the 914fans lists have been debating the injector timing 
> question, so your post is being forwarded there.  Hope you don't mind.
> RD
What I want to know, is what happens when you have radical
cam timing? This nice puddle of fuel on the inlet valve
gets blown back up the inlet duct when the valve opens?
Makes nice flames, if you don't run an air cleaner :-) 
But this surely can't make for repeatable fuel volume supplied
to the cylinder?


* There'll be no more misery      * I came, I saw, I left *
* When the world's our rotisserie *  > bryantt at < *

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