Re Propane injectors

dzorde at dzorde at
Thu Sep 5 05:48:20 GMT 1996

     Guess you don't want a pipe to burst while you are leaning over it, or 
     you may just loose a few body parts.

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Subject: Re: Re Propane injectors
Author:  diy_efi at at INTERNET
Date:    9/5/96 1:11 PM

Craig wrote:
>Is there such a thing as an electronically controlled diesel injector? 
>(aka instead of the usual mechanical fuel pump distributor thing..)
But diesel injection needs around 25,000 psi of fuel pressure, so the 
injector is a plunger piston pump that is operated off a lobe of the cam 
shaft (twice as wide as the one that opens the valves).  The electric 
solenoid is a bypass port that when ON blocks the outlet of the injector 
'pump' and forces it into the cylinder.  When OFF the flow returns to the 
fuel tank.
David J. Doddek                                          |pantera at 
Owner SGD Electronics & Development Engr for Caterpillar |h 309 685-7965 
Formula SAE Team Sidewinder 94-95                        |w 309 578-2931
89 T-bird SC,  69 Fairlane w/SGD EFI                     |fx 217 428-4686 
74 Pantera w/Electromotive Tec-II Twin turbos and Nitros |
Hey, If you are going to go fast, go REEEAAL FAST.       |

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