hi compressions: wasDIY_EFI Digest V1 #258
SRavet at bangate.compaq.com
SRavet at bangate.compaq.com
Thu Sep 5 23:34:00 GMT 1996
Daniel Ridge <newt at cesdis1.gsfc.nasa.gov> Wrote:
| Todd's right about chamber shape and flame proopgation. Multivalves are a
| hack around the hard limits that geometry places on things -- we're
| constrained to have circular valves, it's tough to use real estate well
| when you are nesting circles(valves) in circles(cylinder(head)s). The
| multivalve people didn't want multivales -- they really wanted
| valves :).
This might be a dumb question, but why not non-circular valves? I guess
they wouldn't be able to spin. Is that a problem? I can see corners being
bad, but what about a nice oval shape?
Steve Ravet
sravet at bangate.compaq.com
Baby you're a genius when it comes to cooking up some chili sauce...
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