archive search; was Re[2]: Re[2]: O2 Sensor-Leaded gas

dzorde at dzorde at
Fri Sep 13 07:21:30 GMT 1996

     Sorry John, clarification.  It is Andrew's site that is un-reachable, 
     yours works fine.
     Dan        dzorde at

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Subject: archive search; was Re[2]: Re[2]: O2 Sensor-Leaded gas
Author:  diy_efi at at INTERNET
Date:    9/13/96 2:36 PM

|That's great for those that can get to the web site. I still seem to 
|have a problem connecting to it.
Are we talking about the same web site?
Not Andrew's site. Andrew tried to mirror his site here, but apparently 
he has the same problem we have going the other way.
If you really can not ftp or telnet to OSU's efi332, I would like to 
know about it. 
                                       John S Gwynne
                                          Gwynne.1 at
               T h e   O h i o - S t a t e   U n i v e r s i t y
    ElectroScience Laboratory, 1320 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, USA
                Telephone: (614) 292-7981 * Fax: (614) 292-7297

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