DIY_EFI Digest V1 #281

John Faubion jfaubion at
Tue Sep 24 04:09:49 GMT 1996

> The reason I used the 3 number is that my drag modeling program says
> that my rig would develop about 2.7-2.8 g's just off the line. I'm
> a blown big block, and do drive it on the street.

Of course the computer could never be wrong. Right? Keep in mind that of
several different drag racing calculators we tried, most over estimated the
acceleration force of my dragster. In fact, one of them predicted 9, yes
NINE g's on launch! These calculated forces usually don't consider the
cushioning effect of tires and suspension. 
> Clinton doesn't want anything Hitler didn't have.

You know as much as I'm against the Clintons, I don't think this list it
the place for the political BS.

John Faubion
jfaubion at

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