H8 microconfuser stuff

Fred Zillinger industro-serve at ccinet.ab.ca
Thu Apr 3 14:26:24 GMT 1997

Hi Tom

I enjoy reading your contributions to this list.

On the H8 stuff you have for sale, I am using the H8/532
for work and also for an EFI project.

Does your hardware and software support the 532?

I will check the links you posted.
Fred Zillinger                         industro-serve at ccinet.ab.ca
Industro-Serve Inc.                        Work:     403-342-1125  
#4, 7875-48th Avenue                  Home:   403-748-2560
Red Deer, Alberta                          Fax:       403-343-0030
Canada, T4P 2K1                        http://www.instalog.com/

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