Radar Scrambling
Tom Cloud
cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu
Tue Apr 22 13:04:05 GMT 1997
>> I know this is ludicrously off-topic, but the people in this newsgroup seem to know engineering, electronics and cars --
>> does anyone have any good/bad experiences with any police radar scramblers?
>> geoff
>Well, I know that the stuff you currently see on the market in the
>magazines and such is worthless. Think about it, the units only
>(supposedly) reflect back the signal after mixing the signal up. The
there were articles about radar 'calibrators' and I know at
least one worked -- problem is you've got to have one front
and rear, plus one for X, K, and Ka .... and you're just
screwed with laser.
Tom Cloud <cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu>
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