Radar Scrambling

Tuck sldbrass at infi.net
Wed Apr 23 19:54:11 GMT 1997

At 12:35 04/23/97 -0600, you wrote:
>> Seriously, The best defense against Lidar is absense of chrome with dark
>> colored
>> paint. To go further, use headlight covers.
>> Also Lidar's frequency is in the public domain, meaning you are allowed
to jam
>> it legally.
>Well, not exactly 'allowed to jam it legally'  (interfering with a law 
>enforcement officer, or something like that), but if you built a garage door 
>opener that works off a 908nm beem of ir led, 20ns pulses at 1KHz, and could 
>demonstrate that that was the primary purpose of your device, and it just so 
>happen to jam lidar....
>(specs from memory, I believe the wavelenght is around 900nm.  Have not
seen any 
>solid state lasers in that range, though :-(

904 nm.

Justin "Tuck" Cordesman
SOLID BRASS-> Attraction is composed of desire and danger.

"The truth is that men who say that they wish to go out with a bang have a
wisdom that their fellows do not.  For they alone understand that when
death takes them, it must be that he has snuck up upon them and struck them
down with a single blow.  If they are left alive and die slowly -
lingering, then they know that they die because they had the chance to
fight death and they have failed.  They know that death has stolen their
will.  This is the greatest shame that a man who lusts for life can know."

	-Tuck (?-), Earth Leader. Lecture to the Huddled Masses, #1 (1997).

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