G-Tech meter

Frederic Breitwieser frederic.breitwieser at mcione.com
Wed Apr 30 16:17:23 GMT 1997


Not this particular unit, however I have seen people using them on the 
tracks for monitoring run statistics.  This devices are easy to hook up 
(cigar lighter and a suction cup thingy on the windshield), and offer a lot 
of information, and I don't mean to sidetrack, however for drag racing, and 
most forms or racing, something else to consider and monitor in a serious 
way is tire temperature and wear marks on the tires (especially in drag 
racing, where they tend to burn faster).

As you know most drag racers in our price range use a live axle, locating 
it into position with a Watts linkage or something similar, and by the 
nature of the beast, when your engine applies huge amounts of torque, 
several things happen.

1. The body/frame of the vehicle twists slightly.
2. The differential housing attempts to rotate with the engine.
3. Your engine attempts to rotate opposite of the crankshaft rotation.

These things combined, mostly #1 and #2, affect your traction, which is why 
most *fast* drag cars have different springs on either side to compensate 
for this difference.  Some cars, to eliminate this twisting issue attempt 
to use an independant rear suspension whereas the differential is 
"floating" or attached to the frame, and the axles go down on U-Joints to 
the wheels.  The problem here is that most IRS systems introduce camber 
changes during wheel travel, which is the worst thing a wide-tire dragster 
could get.  Of course, a good suspension design with equal length A-Arms 
would help.

Anyways, sorry I didn't really answer your question and went on a tangent, 
however good traction is as important as horsepower and very difficult to 
achieve at times.  Hope this helps.

Frederic Breitwieser
Homebrew-Autos Mailing List
Bridgeport, CT

-----Original Message-----
From:	dzorde [SMTP:dzorde at geocities.com]
Sent:	Wednesday, April 30, 1997 10:29 AM
To:	diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject:	G-Tech meter

Has anyone heard of an aftermarket measurement device called a G-tech meter
(at least that's what I think its called).  It's a small unit that sticks 
your windscreen with a suction cup and plugs into the cigarette lighter
socket for power.  It will give you g-forces, 1/4 mile time, HP rating and 
few other things I think.  Someone in our car club bought one to try out 
he said it was quite accurate, the HP reading was 2HP less than actual
measurements from dyno testing.  His 1/4 mile times were also close to
actual times.

Has anyone used this device ?  I would like the feedback from a few more
people before I'd consider buying one, although its reasonably cheap at
AU$250 after freight and taxes.  I need something to help with setting up
the suspension in the race car, and this device may just be it.

How does it measure the distance (doppler effect ?), or does it calculate
distance from your acceleration ?  If this is the case how does it go in
hilly areas, bumpy roads, etc ?

Thanks in advance

Dan     dzorde at geocities.com

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