G-Tech meter
Frederic Breitwieser
frederic.breitwieser at mcione.com
Wed Apr 30 18:40:29 GMT 1997
When I first started collecting parts for my "from scratch" vehicle, I had
leached an entire Nissan 300ZX with the G-force flourescent guages as well
as digital Dash, MPH, etc. of course I haven't reverse engineered it as of
yet. Not a bad buy for $25.
I would be interested in the calculations as well :)
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Shoebridge [SMTP:peter at aspenres.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 1997 1:01 PM
To: diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: Re: G-Tech meter
I bought some accelerometer's with the view of doing just that. The ones I
got were from Analog Devices. I was going to hook them up to the efi332
board when we get the io board going.
I'd be very interested in the calculations.
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