Treatise on intake systems

James Boughton boughton at
Wed Aug 13 02:28:12 GMT 1997

I'm sorry about using g for gamma, but I don't have a gamma
on my keyboard and g looked like the closest thing:-)  I guess
I should have explained myself, sorry!  

According to table D.1 of Heywood's "Internal Combustion
Engine Fundamentals" gamma does change with temperature,
however, you are correct regarding the gas constant which
does not.  I guess that is why they call it a constant:-)  I was
noting that the specific heats change with temperature and
wasn't thinking.  Again, sorry!

Thank you for the corrections.

Jim Boughton
boughton at

From: 	wstrass at[SMTP:wstrass at]
Sent: 	Tuesday, August 12, 1997 11:48 AM
To: 	diy_efi at
Subject: 	Treatise on intake systems


From: Wayne Strasser (CED Polymer Development)
*** Resending note of 08/12/97 11:24
Subject: Treatise on intake systems
(The speed of sound is simply (gRT)^0.5 where g and R are considered
constant.  If you wanted to be rigorous you could actually vary g and R
for temperature, but probably not worth it.)

Jim:  I have a can g (is this gravitational constant?) and
R (the universal gas constant) vary with temperature?

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