Terry Martin terry_martin at mindlink.bc.ca
Mon Aug 25 02:13:07 GMT 1997

Christopher G. Moog wrote:
> Terry Martin wrote:
> I think what Terry is asking is, is there a way to get additional oxygen
> into the combustion chamber? 

Thank-you, but not altogether. More like displacing nitrogen.

> If so the standard ways of doing this is
> Nitrious Oxide (NO).  

I doubt Grandma want's her Caddy Nitro equipped. :-)

>  Straight oxygen is not used for several reasons, the power
> levels would be too high melting pistons;

That's a material design problem, not a fuel delivery one, other than
Oxy is too expensive to come by in a pure form. There has been a lot of
goings on with ceramics that will probably sooner or later come together
with increased efficieny fuel delivery.

> and more imporantly a fuel
> pure oxgen mixture would be extremely easy to ignite causing intake
> explosions.

Not if it was injected. Wait for the valve to close and then blast away
at the most leveraged part of the power stroke.

> Now lets get back to EFI systems.

We left them? Jeez, I'm really getting lost.


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