For REALLY good injection, check this out

Terry Martin terry_martin at
Wed Aug 27 00:17:28 GMT 1997

Robert Harris wrote:
> Nope.  Hydrogen has high energy, but the amount of
> hydrogen in a hydro-carbon is closely related to the
> number of carbon atoms.  Example
>      H     H      H
>       |      |        |
> H - C ... C .... C -H
>       |      |        |
>      H     H      H
> for paraffin's like methane, ethane, propane, butane etc and then it
> gets complex.  Generally speaking the amount of H is aprox 2x the
> amount of carbon atoms - but this still is a very low mass compared
> to the carbon mass.

Happy to see you included propane as an example, given you have shown
the chain for it. :-) See, I read as well as type, maybe better. Anyhow
point taken. This is after all a DIY group, but it never ceases to amaze
me how much competence pops out when heating things up a little. Engines
aren't the only things that work on heat, brains really get boosted.


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