30 LED air fuel ratio meter

Steve Lamb lambs at hotblk.dsto.defence.gov.au
Fri Aug 29 04:04:13 GMT 1997

>This may well be old news, but I have put a copy of a 30 LED air fuel ratio
>meter curcuit (in both GIF and Postscript format) at:

A project/circuit based on the LM3914 was featured in the November 1995
issue of Silicon Chip (an Oz electronics mag).  The PCB's for the project
(@$A5 + p&p) are still available from:

R.C.S. Radio Pty Ltd
651 Forest Rd, Bexley, NSW, 2207, Australia
Tel: +61 2 9587 3491
Fax: +61 2 9587 5385
email: rcsradio at cia.com.au (with a website 'on the way)

Unfortunately they don't accept 'plastic'.

>I'm also working on putting up a curcuit for a rev limiter that can be
>added to any conventional kettering ignition (ie non-cdi), with "new,
>patented technology" (an SCR ;-) that completely eliminated mis-timed

I'd be most interested in this.

Steve Lamb
Department of Defence, DSTO
Aeronautical and Maritime Research Laboratory
506 Lorimer Street
Fishermans Bend  VIC 3207 Australia
Tel: +61 3 9626 7525
Fax: +61 3 9626 7089

IZCC #180

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