LED bar graph modules

Tom Cloud cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu
Fri Aug 29 15:42:40 GMT 1997

I wrote:

>>anyone know a part no. for an LED bar graph that takes 0 to 
>>1 volt or such as an input ???  I know they're out there, have
>>used them long, long ago .... but now can't find one.  This
>>is not a plain bar graph assembly -- it would be an integrated
>>circuit voltage/level indicator.
>>Tom Cloud

and then Rich Mauruschat <richm at sykes.demon.co.uk> replied:

>If you are looking for 10-segment led bargraph with integrated driver, then
>Farnell Electronic Components (in the UK; maybe Newark in the US - Farnell
>now own Newark I think) supply parts manufactured by "THREE-FIVE" (printed
>III-V part no's: TSM3914        horizontal
>                        TSM39341      vertical (more compact)
>These parts are basically a LM3914 driver (0-1.2V) integrated with a 10-seg.
>LED bar.
>sales at farnellcomponents.com
>Hope this is helpful.

thanks .... I'd seen this in the Jameco catalog and couldn't
make out the logo

Tom Cloud

They say the mind is the first thing to go ... and I can't remember the second

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