DIY-EFI Lurkers & furthermore :-)

Terry Martin terry_martin at
Sat Aug 30 23:43:12 GMT 1997

Terry Martin wrote:
> I know there just has to be a Delco Powertrain lurker in here somewhere.
> I'm gonna get flamed again but anyone know how to get the DERM to cough
> up the crash data. It Lurks on the bus listening to gaddom nearly
> everything and does a write down to non-volatile ram for about two
> minutes after going into pre-crash mode.

>insert< Should that have been rom?

Given I'm going to have hit-men gunning for me for peeking into their
precious DERM, does anyone have the entire bit-map for a '95 vin "S"
Firebird PCM? My kid fiqured out before I did that his monster science
fair project; (he's 13 and even more annoying than me. Hey, how 'bout I
turn HIM loose on the group?); to build a robotics project from scratch
could use all those nice I/O's on the PCM to run it, (I get em for
nothing), and it comes in a nice handy hard waterproof shell, (good for
underwater with SIR splicing), and a handy serial bus which is
practically impervious to everything including a direct lightning hit.
Try that with a PC. Anyhow, I'm way off EFI again, but I guarantee if I
get the bitmap, somebody in DIY-EFI will be interested. I have pieces of
it (and many other bits and bytes), but SCIENCE FAIR is looming. He'll
post 'em up here if I, or rather my 13 yr old has to figure it out.

Hey, Delco, you can make it a PR gesture, given I'm going to get it the
hard way anyhow, so why not be gracious, it's only '95 stuff, and
obsolete with OBD-II in any event. Having "Aquired without Delco
co-operation" put on it in a big sign by a thirteen year old about to
make press could be better managed. Mind you I'm no expert at secrecy
spinning. :-) I love the fact that the same laws that say 13 year olds
can do anything they gaddom well please includes copyright infringement.

And thanks so much for putting OBD-II into '95 Jimmy SLT's. And '94
Caddy Fleetwood Brouham's. It's sooo much fun. 

Annoying as always,

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