Tunable intake manifold question

Mark Eidson mark.eidson at tempe.vlsi.com
Wed Feb 5 23:24:05 GMT 1997

I believe tuning only works on the runners between the plenum and the valve.  me

At 03:38 PM 2/5/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I have examined some of the plans for the variable length/variable volume
>intake systems used by Honda (in the Legend, Vigor and 1st & 3rd gen. 
>Integra). All of their variable intake systems adjust the length or width
>of the runners between the intake manifold and the ports. I was wondering
>if it would be worthwhile to design a variable length add on (for a car
>without any variable stuff) to the intake system which would fit between
>the air intake scoop and the TB. Adding a variable intake before the TB 
>appeals to me because I only have access to an electronics lab (and some 
>hand tools).
>Thanks  in advance.
* Mark Eidson                        Voice: (602)752-6513                 *
*                                      Fax: (602)752-6000                 *
* Manager System Integration and      Home: (602)831-6079                 *
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