Methanol injectors..

Seth Allen n9540517 at
Thu Feb 20 07:07:08 GMT 1997

> -> As with anything, there are certain penalties with the use of
> -> anything -
>  Besides the relatively heavy and inflexibly-sized tank and the hassle
> in fueling, the major penalty is price.  Gasoline runs $1.19/gal here,
> propane runs $1.80, though they price it by the pound.  For a cost
> difference of $0.61/gallon it would be economical to dope the gasoline
> with toluene or other octane booster as required.
>  On the other hand, a propane system is a simple, effective solution to
> fueling an Otto cycle engine.  If only it wasn't so expensive... <sigh>

Speaking of tolulene, does anyone have any experience with it? As a 
gasoline additive, I hear it has some wonderful properties. Light higher 
energy density and lots higher octane.  I think is was a major ingredient 
in turbo F1 "rocketfuel"


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