What is 100% VE?

Frank/G.speed fmlin at ccnet3.ccnet.com
Wed Feb 26 09:04:17 GMT 1997

Newbie question, what exactly is 100% volumetric efficiency?  Is
it simply the 100% filling of a cylinder during the compression
stroke?  - a 400 cc cylinder sucks in 400 cc (in mass?) of A/F?
How do you measure VE?

I have this sentence stuck in my mind, I think I read it on this 
list a week or two ago.  "An engine peaks in VE at its torque
peak."  That's true right?

Frank M. Lin	  | G.speed - Z.Speed Trust HKS DC-Sports Razo/Carmate Soei
fmlin at ccnet.com   | Web page - http://www.ccnet.com/~fmlin/gspeed.html
EG2, 2:0x @ Sears | Info sheet - "finger fmlin at ccnet.com > gspeed.info"

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