BMW Motronic 1.1

Peter Shoebridge peter at
Fri Jan 10 21:39:20 GMT 1997

From: 	Land Shark
Sent: 	Friday, January 10, 1997 10:45 AM
To: 	diy_efi at
Subject: 	RE: BMW Motronic 1.1

>Ok, so lets start with the processor instruction set. It's not standard
>8051 - I've got that far. Where can I find the instruction set of the
>processor? You gave us one "gift", the processor id 80c515. Thats a 
>or phillips chip I guess. I'll take a look on their sites. Is it's
>instruction set as elusive as the famous intel 8061 ins set?

 Nope .. 80515 instruction set is public..

The Siemens docs say the 80C515 has the same ins set as the 8051. I was 
under the impression (maybe wrong!!) that the Motronic cpu had an enhanced 
ins set. What's the scoop?

>I have a dump of the eprom. You eluded to the fact that there is code in
>the processor in ROM. Is that true? Presumably without the special
>equipment I stand little or no chance of getting a dump.

 You don't NEED the dump.. you need to unfold the code though..

 DO this.. take the first 8k of code in the EPROM and copy it to the END
 of the EPROM image so that you have 40k.. not just 32k

OK, now where in memory does the eprom get addressed. Not at 0000h 
presumably as the internal rom is there, right? What is the entry point on 
the eprom. The first location?

Is the on-board rom responsible for the code unfolding and checksums?



Peter S

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