Introduction & O2 Sensor Questions

James Boughton boughton at
Thu Jul 10 13:16:29 GMT 1997

Fred wrote:
>Anyways, in order to turn off the attachment crap, from the inbox, go into
>your personal address book, and create an entry called "DIYEFI".  Put in
>diy_efi at as the address.  Turn off UUCP, turn off
>RTF, and set it for MIME.

>Frederic Breitwieser
>Homebrew Automotive Mailing List

Where is UUCP and RTF?  I checked the MIME check box, but I don't really know
what this does (and if it works I probably don't care).  I think I cured the attachment
problem by changing the character set from some ISO set to the US ASCII.  I am
still hoping to find a way to avoid the hard returns at the end of every line though.
Too much thought for me :-0

Jim Boughton
boughton at


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