68HC11 EFI

James Boughton boughton at bignet.net
Fri Jul 18 02:25:14 GMT 1997

	I am working on a project using an hc11 chip and have been
quietly contemplating a full engine management system.  Maybe we can
share some information.  I know people who have the ability to answer
many questions.  Could you share your project scope (i.e. fuel only or
spark and fuel)?  I have some background in the algorithm development
area, but I am still learning about hardware and software.

Jim Boughton
boughton at bignet.net

From: 	Frederic Breitwieser[SMTP:frederic.breitwieser at mcione.com]
Sent: 	Thursday, July 17, 1997 2:35 PM
To: 	diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: 	68HC11 EFI

I've been observing for a while now, with occasional rude comments.  I have
started to undergo a design for a Motorola 68HC11E9 based EFI system, and I
didn't see anything similar in the DIYEFI archives.

Does anyone know offhand if I just overlooked some good leaching material?
Or are the previous mentioning of this particular processor related to
personal projects only?

I'm looking to compare my idea with something that exists, even in on a
theory basis, to make sure my thoughts are in the right direction.

Thanks in advance, direct replys welcome of course ;)

Frederic Breitwieser
Homebrew Automotive Mailing List
Bridgeport, CT 06606
1989 AG Hummer 4-Door
1993 Supercharged Lincoln Continental
2000 Mid-Engine Sports Car <smile>


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