Justin Albury jalbury at tpgi.com.au
Sun Jul 20 21:48:14 GMT 1997

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Hi to those who are intrested in eprom switching

i have found the these to work fine in the P4 and also in TECH-1
cartridges.  if you use the same base code and only change the data of
the bin file ( say spark and fuel ) then they will switch while the car
is running ok , but if they are totaly different well they give a bit of
a cough and hickup but you can still switch while running but youll have
to keep the revs up.

please if anyone has more ideas on how to make em better please mail me


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                ____ _____
          Vpp--|1   *   28|--Vcc          Chip Size = 256K-bit
          A12--|          |--A14          00000 - 07fff
           A7--|          |--A13
           A6--|          |--A8
           A5--|          |--A9
           A4--| 256K-bit |--A11
           A3--|          |--OE
           A2--|          |--A10
           A1--|          |--CE/PGM
           A0--|          |--O7
           O0--|          |--O6
           O1--|          |--O5
           O2--|          |--O4

                ____ _____
          A15--|1   *   28|--Vcc          Chip Size = 512K-bit 
          A12--|          |--A14          00000 - 0ffff
           A7--|          |--A13
           A6--|          |--A8
           A5--|          |--A9
           A4--| 512K-bit |--A11
           A3--|          |--Vpp/OE
           A2--|          |--A10
           A1--|          |--PGM/CE
           A0--|          |--O7
           O0--|          |--O6
           O1--|          |--O5
           O2--|          |--O4

                ____ _____
          Vpp--|1   *   32|--Vcc          Chip Size = 1M-bit
          A16--|          |--PGM          00000 - 1ffff
          A15--|          |--NC
          A12--|          |--A14
           A7--|          |--A13
           A6--|  1M-bit  |--A8
           A5--|          |--A9
           A4--|          |--A11
           A3--|          |--CE
           A2--|          |--A10
           A1--|          |--CE
           A0--|          |--O7
           O0--|          |--O6
           01--|          |--O5
           02--|          |--O4

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TWIN TABLE SWITCHABLE EPROMS 28/32 PIN                                   Juz!
                                      /  SW1
                ____ _____           |  |
          Vpp--|1   *   28|--Vcc-----+  |
          A12--|          |--A14--------+
           A7--|          |--A13        |       Chip size 256K-bit
           A6--|          |--A8         |       00000 - 07fff
           A5--|          |--A9         |
           A4--| 256K-bit |--A11        |       2 x 128K-bit
           A3--|          |--OE         \       00000 - 03fff = Chip Low
           A2--|          |--A10        /       04000 - 07fff = Chip Hi
           A1--|          |--CE/PGM     \ R1 
           A0--|          |--O7         /       Chip Low = A14
           O0--|          |--O6         |       to Gnd Via R1. 00000 - 03fff
           O1--|          |--O5         |
           O2--|          |--O4         |       Chip Hi = 5V at A14 
     +----Gnd--|__________|--O3         |       04000 - 07fff
     |                                  |  
     +----------------------------------+       R1 = 4.7K (Pull down resistor
                                                for Chip Low 00000 - 03fff)

              /  SW1                    
     +-------/  ------------------+  
     |          ____ _____        |   
     +----A15--|1   *   28|--Vcc--+             Chip Size = 512K-bit
     |    A12--|          |--A14                00000 - 0ffff 
     |     A7--|          |--A13         
     |     A6--|          |--A8                 2 x 256K-bit
     /     A5--|          |--A9                 00000 - 07fff = Chip Low
     \     A4--| 512K-bit |--A11                08000 - 0ffff = Chip Hi
     /     A3--|          |--Vpp/OE      
     \     A2--|          |--A10                Chip Low = A15
     /     A1--|          |--PGM/CE             to Gnd Via R1. 00000 - 07fff
     |     A0--|          |--O7          
     |     O0--|          |--O6                 Chip Hi = 5V at A15
     |     O1--|          |--O5                 08000 - 0ffff
     |     O2--|          |--O4          
     +----GND--|__________|--O3                 R1 = 4.7K (Pull down resistor
                                                for Chip Low 00000 - 07fff)

          +--   \-------------------------------------+
          |  SW1                 ____ _____           |      
          |                Vpp--|1   *   32|--Vcc-----+
          +------------+---A16--|          |--PGM   Chip Size = 1M-bit
                       |   A15--|          |--NC    00000 - 1ffff
                       |   A12--|          |--A14
                       |    A7--|          |--A13   2 x 512K-bit
                       |    A6--|  1M-bit  |--A8    00000 - 0ffff = Chip Low
                       /    A5--|          |--A9    10000 - 1ffff = Chip Hi
                   R1  \    A4--|          |--A11
                       /    A3--|          |--CE    Chip Low = A16
                       \    A2--|          |--A10   to Gnd Via R1.00000-0ffff
                       /    A1--|          |--CE
                       |    A0--|          |--O7    Chip Hi = 5V at A16
                       |    O0--|          |--O6    10000 - 1ffff
                       |    01--|          |--O5
                       |    02--|          |--O4    R1 = 4.7K   (Pull down
                       +---GND--|__________|--O3    resistor for Chip Low
                                                    00000 - 0ffff)

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QUAD TABLE SWITCHABLE EPROMS 28/32 PIN                                   Juz!
                                  /     /   
                            SW1 /      /   SW2    Chip Size = 256K-bit
             ____ _____         |  |   |  |       00000 - 07fff
       Vpp--|1   *   28|--Vcc---+--|---+  |
       A12--|          |--A14------+      |        SW1   SW2   Address
        A7--|          |--A13------|------+    1 - Off   Off   00000 - 01fff
        A6--|          |--A8       |      |    2 - Off   On    02000 - 03fff
        A5--|          |--A9       |      |    3 - On    Off   04000 - 05fff
        A4--| 256K-bit |--A11      |      |    4 - On    On    06000 - 07fff
        A3--|          |--OE       \      \   
        A2--|          |--A10      /      /       R1 = 4.7K (Pull down
        A1--|          |--CE/PGM   \ R1   \ R2    resistor for SW1)
        A0--|          |--O7       /      /   
        O0--|          |--O6       |      |       R2 = 4.7K (Pull down
        O1--|          |--O5       |      |       resistor for SW2)
        O2--|          |--O4       |      |   
  +----Gnd--|__________|--O3       |      |       4 x 64K-bit
  |                                |      |
                                \      \       
                           SW1   \      \ SW2
                              |  |   |  |
  +---------------------------+  |   |  |
  |          ____ _____          |   |  |
  +----A15--|1   *   28|--Vcc----+---|--+         Chip Size = 512K-bit
  |    A12--|          |--A14--------+            00000 - 0ffff
  |     A7--|          |--A13        |
  |     A6--|          |--A8         |             SW1   SW2   Address
  |     A5--|          |--A9         |         1 - Off   Off   00000 - 03fff
  |     A4--| 512K-bit |--A11        |         2 - Off   On    04000 - 07fff
  /     A3--|          |--Vpp/OE     /         3 - On    Off   08000 - 0bfff
  \     A2--|          |--A10        \         4 - On    On    0c000 - 0ffff
  /R1   A1--|          |--PGM/CE     / R2    
  \     A0--|          |--O7         \            R1 = 4.7K (Pull down 
  /     O0--|          |--O6         /            resistor for SW1)
  |     O1--|          |--O5         |       
  |     O2--|          |--O4         |            R2 = 4.7K (Pull down
  +----GND--|__________|--O3         |            resistor for SW2)
  |                                  |       
  +----------------------------------+            4 x 128K-bit                     

      \     /
  SW1  \   /  SW2 +--------------------------+
    |  |   |  |   |        ____ _____        |      
    |  +---+--|---+  Vpp--|1   *   32|--Vcc--+
    +---------|------A16--|          |--PGM       Chip Size = 1M-bit
    |         +--+---A15--|          |--NC        00000 - 1ffff
    |            |   A12--|          |--A14
    |            |    A7--|          |--A13        SW1   SW2   Address
    |            |    A6--|  1M-bit  |--A8     1 - Off   Off   00000 - 07fff
    /            /    A5--|          |--A9     2 - Off   On    08000 - 0ffff
    \ R1     R2  \    A4--|          |--A11    3 - On    Off   10000 - 17fff
    /            /    A3--|          |--CE     4 - On    On    18fff - 1ffff
    \            \    A2--|          |--A10   
    /            /    A1--|          |--CE        R1 = 4.7K (Pull down
    |            |    A0--|          |--O7        resistor for SW1)
    |            |    O0--|          |--O6    
    |            |    01--|          |--O5        R2 = 4.7K (Pull down
    |            |    02--|          |--O4        resistor for SW2)

                                                  4 x 256K-bit

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