Throttle body sizing
James Boughton
boughton at
Tue Jul 22 02:44:38 GMT 1997
To determine the proper size for an intake system you need to
know what rpm you intend to run to. Typically the intake system is sized
to create a theoretical flow velocity of ~60m/s. Not perfect, but a good
starting point. I would use the area of the throttle body throats minus the
area taken up by the throttle shaft (probably ~10mm dia.) So if you are
using a 40mm t/b you should have 1257mm^2 area. If you remove the area
of a 10mm shaft you should be left with approx. 860mm^2.
Next, take your cylinder displacement of 500cc/cyl and the rpm
(I'll use 6000rpm) and calculate the airflow rate for an intake event. This
should be
6000rpm x 500cc x 2 / (60sec/min) = 100000 cc/sec
divide 100000cc/s by 8.6cm^2 and you get ~116m/s. This would be a little
high which would likely cause power to drop off early. If you want to run
a lower peak power speed then you would have to recalculate accordingly.
By the way, the mysterious 2 in the equation is because the intake event only
gets a half of a rev to occur.
Also, the value of the area used should be the average intake area and can be
made higher by using trumpets (air horns, stacks, whatever!) that have a large
All of this also depends on cams, port flow coefficients, and so on. When you
get to the point of tuning for length let me know :-)
Jim Boughton
boughton at
From: Bruno![SMTP:b.marzano at]
Sent: Monday, July 21, 1997 10:52 AM
To: diy_efi at
Subject: Throttle body sizing
Hi everyone,
I have a 2lt twin cam and am considering rigging up a quad throttle efi
manifold for it. Firstly, I will be using the throttle bodies from
stromberg carburettors to save the pain of trying to fabricate a tb from
scratch. I can get these in sizes up to 40mm (i think 1 9/16") at a
reasonable price.
The intake runners which will mount on the head, and hold the tbs, will be
made using aluminium tube, the internal diameter of which i can get in
different sizes quite readily. again, i could get this in 40mm, or
slightly smaller, or even larger (i think 50mm od & 3mm wall gives 44mm).
The 44 mm option would be a little silly, as the tb being 40mm would be a
restriction (compared to the runner).
My question is whether 40mm is too large for this type of engine. It
currently gives about 130hp, and is my mild-mannered street car.
Driveability is my main criterion here.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Bruno. (b.marzano at
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