Ignition Controllers

Graham, Peter peter.graham at dsto.defence.gov.au
Mon Jul 28 08:28:30 GMT 1997

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>Have any one seen the instrument that Link is offering ? Its called
>Its made so You can tune it to hear pinging from different engines and  =20
>cheap to ($100,)



Silicon Chip published an article where they designed a basic knock  =20
indicator. It is basically a bandpass filter that is gated from the  =20
ignition coil, which is then rectified and filtered and then displayed on  =20=

a 10 led bar graph . If the knocking got to bad they also had a buzzer  =20
that sounded. It could be set to 'tune' out the background noise by the  =20
use of a gain controlled amplifier.

The kit is available from Jaycar Electronics for those in Australia for  =20
A$35. They have a mail order section for those people overseas.
Ph +61-2-9743-6144
fax +61-2-9743-2066

The kit includes a crystal earpiece and a TO3 transistor for those that  =20
want to make their own knock sensor.

 Peter Graham
  _--_|\        Peter Graham [Peter.Graham at dsto.defence.gov.au]
 / DSTO \       Maritime Operations Division
 \_.--._/       Defence Science & Technology Organisation
       v        Fax : 61-3-9626 8999  Voice: 61-3-9626 8658


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