GM ALDL codes & questions

Mark Glicksman mglicksm at
Sun Jun 8 04:58:24 GMT 1997

Frederic Breitwieser wrote:
> >       It should be all wired up by Wednesday if time alots.  Unfortunately, I
> > have just started a new job and have been travelling and training, so ,
> > with all of that I have not had much time to finish but this week should
> > be the week.  Once It's put together I am going to test it in my 87 Park
> > Avenue.  Also, once I test it I will post all results I have as a reply
> > to this message.
> Hey Mark!  How did you make out might I ask?
> Frederic Breitwieser
> Homebrew Automotive Mailing List
> Website:
> Email: frederic.breitwieser at & FJB203 at
> Bridgeport, Connecticut
Hey Frederic,

	Well it's been put together, I did a quick test with it and did not get
any results.  When I hooked it up and turned the ignition on the cars
check engine light did not blink and a relay in the engine compartment
started clicking away, I started the car and it ran with a very erratic
RPM while it was hooked up.  This was running concurrently with the
relay clicking.  At this point I will test and check the circuit and see
if there are any problems on the board.  I should have this done by the
weekend.  I'll keep you informed.

			Mark Glicksman
			mglicksm at

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