GM TPI auto trans -> manual?
Frederic Breitwieser
frederic.breitwieser at
Tue Jun 24 19:13:55 GMT 1997
Hey Robert!
Enjoying this thread a lot. However, according to that website you
forwarded my way, that particular gent merely wired the ECM to think its in
"drive" continuously, which I think has a lot of potential as far as an
easy way of doing things... of course I'm timid when it comes to reverse
engineering ECM and associated code, but that's another issue altogether.
Most auto vehicles that I've driven (okay, ALL I've ever driven), I've been
able to put the vehicle in LOW, then 2nd, then 3rd, then OD for trailer
towing, to prevent the economy-oriented setup (mechanical or electronic)
from shifting "early" with a heavy trailer of firewood. And the vehicles
run fine. No missing or sputtering. While I'm presenting an extremely
simplistic viewpoint here, I'm hoping to convey the logic I am using, which
very well might be way, way, way off.
Where I'm anticipating a "situation" is when I push the clutch in to
shift... while I can shift quite fast and manage to instinctively know when
and at what RPM to release the clutch for the next higher/lower gear, on
this "loadless deceleration" of the engine is where I'd guess any
drivability problems might arise.
What do you think? Think I might even be close?
To make things even more interesting, at least for my little project, once
the chassis is done and drivable with this engine (1986 3.8L GM), its going
to be receiving a GN crank, GN turbo, GN pistons, Cam, etc, along with an
aftermarket ECM Prom for the GN (Grand National). According to all the
folks I've spoken to, its doable :) This should be a lot of fun!
Frederic Breitwieser
HomeBrew Automotive Mailing List
Bridgeport Connecticut
From: Robert W. Hughes
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 1997 1:09 PM
To: diy_efi at
Subject: GM TPI auto trans -> manual?
I have compared the proms (calpaks?) on a number of Fiero V6's from
86-88 with both automatic and manual transmissions. The engines are
essentially the same in this period and the proms for a given
transmission only show a few changes but... there are many and major
differences in the proms for manual and automatic transmissions.
I don't know how much of the operation is transmission dependent but I
do know the cpu uses road speed and engine speed to determine the gear
ratio in use. This is used at least for the torque converter clutch or
shift light.
Life would probably be much simpler if you break down and buy (or copy)
the prom for the transmission used.
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