FWD>[monte-list] GM Compute
Mark Tonazzi
MARK.TONAZZI.0193171 at nt.com
Thu Mar 6 20:10:41 GMT 1997
Mail*Link=AE SMTP FWD>[monte-list] GM Computer =
Ed, the changes I know of are the transmission (3 speed vs. 4 speed O.D.) =
84 to 85 and I heard the timing settings were different from 85 to 86.
Each of these would require a different computer. I would imagine the =
is much more expensive than a chip, so I would not think of that as a =
>From my experience, the chip makes little to no difference in =
The only thing I can tell different is the torque converter lock-up =
which makes the car a bit more drivable around town, but reduces mileage =
by about 3 mpg.
Since your 84 has no overdrive, you are better off spending your money on =
performance enhancements. Just my opinion though!
Date: 3/6/97 2:13 PM
From: monte-list at darklair.com
----- E X T E R N A L L Y O R I G I N A T E D M E S S A G E -----
Post from: Chief <afn14222 at afn.org> to the Monte Carlo list.
I wanted to borrow my friends Hypertech chip and thermostat to put in my =
MCSS 305 HO. He has and 85 MCSS 305 HO.
I tried the chip and thermostat. Gives a code saying incorrect prom.
Checked with Hypertech, and the 84 uses a different chip than the 85. So
then I call the local Chevy dealer. He says that the 84, 85 and 86
computers all have a different part #.
Did Chevy change these computers from year to year just to screw with =
Does anyone know the difference between 84, 85 and 86 5.0L HO computers =
can I just switch in an 85 computer to make things work ok? I assume all
the sensors are the same from year to year.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Ed Hilker aka "Chief"
84MCSS 700R4
Gainesville, FL
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Date: Thu, 06 Mar 1997 13:34:58 -0500
To: diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
From: Chief <afn14222 at afn.org>
Subject: [monte-list] GM Computer interchangability
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