scams (was Re: More reverse engineering)

Tom Cloud cloud at
Thu May 8 17:12:22 GMT 1997

Just received the post below, and it came about the same time
as another I got (at bottom) re: splitfire plugs ....  thought
some might be interested

>Well, the MSD data is very interesting!!
>Thanks Tom!
>On other notes;
>My patent searching found that Dr. Jacobs was the original holder of the
>patent on Capactive Discharge ignitions in the early 70s.  He also went on
>to patent some other stuff.  Most of not very earth shaking. I believe the
>later stuff is patented to lend credence to his claims about his ignition. 
>I don't mean it is worthless, I mean it just isn't worthy of patenting, and
>is more kind of a marketing hype.

  ==============   post re:  SplitFire    ======================

"The consent order with SplitFire, Inc., of Northbrook, Illinois, settles
charges that the fuel economy, efficiency and improved performance claims
it made in ads for its spark plugs were false or unsubstantiated. [...]"

See the Federal Trade Commission's pages concerning the 
judgement on Splitfire, Inc. at:


Tom Cloud <cloud at>

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