Electrical Supercharger
Robert Harris
bob at bobthecomputerguy.com
Mon May 12 16:05:27 GMT 1997
Mind expansion stuff - thought required follows. Check out
Offys Dual Port 360 deg Manifolds. Bottom level is heated,
small size, high velocity, low end economy sort of thing,
top level is open single plane manifold that flows well. They
both meet and "join" at the port. Every speed catalog has
them - look so what foollows makes sense.
Small quantitys of fast moving particles can under the right
conditions, drag much larger quantitys of slower moving
particles with them, although at a lower speed. Forgive my
senility, but I just got up and I can't remember the name of
the effect - something along the lines of siphon.
Now for the gymnastics. Run a dual port manifold. Top port
goes to a plenum. Bottom port goes to a "positive pressure
device". Both draw from same plenum which meters the total
air flow to engine. Top is longer than bottom. Fuel is injected
at the port where the two converge.
Low pressure, low RPM, the port draws air from the longer,
lower RPM tuned "top". mid range, modest pressure, from
both equally, high pressure, from the boost device - with one
heck of a lot of air siphoned along with it. Fuel spray at
convergence cools air and helps convert velocity to pressure.
(Concept gleefully stolen from early turbocharger stuff on draw
thru carbs. Some used a spacer that moved the carb up a couple
of inches and redirected air fuel to turbo and back to a hat that
bolted to the carb base. Everything moved up but since all was
same place just stacked, no major re-engineering. Then you
drilled small holes between divided top and bottom to allow a
small air/fuel flow to bypass the turbo and regain some bottom
end torque and response.
What should happen is the total air charge should be as cool
if not cooler than if it was intercooled (cold outside air siphoned
direct to chamber). A significantly greater amount of air than
just what went thru the "+ pres device" should be moved into
the engine. Since the total air is a result of direct draw and
"boosted", the blended result is much less "laggy", the + pres
device takes less power cause it moves much less air. It
just might work, and on a small enuff engine, might make an
electric driven pump doable.
Now for pesky physics. Won't work - if the engine
dynamics were static, but will work dynamically cause air really
hates to change direction once it begins to move. Course, I
might just be getting high on sniffing chili exhaust, but I think
its worth considering
If the first ingredient ain't Habanero, then the rest don't matter.
Robert Harris <bob at bobthecomputerguy.com>
> From: Tom Cloud <cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu>
> To: diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
> Subject: Re: Electrical Supercharger
> Date: Monday, May 12, 1997 6:42 AM
> what if you had a contraption that compressed air over the
> long haul and, when needed, it was injected directly into the
> intake manifold, hhhmmmmmm ??
> Tom Cloud <cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu>
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