Lambda value/ AFR correlation

Trevor Boicey tboicey at
Tue May 13 20:03:13 GMT 1997

Tom Cloud wrote:
> stoichiometric is a chemical term meaning that there's
> exactly enough of each component to complete the reaction.
> Since the 14.x:1 is about mass, it's got to be fixed, right ??

  As I understand it, the 14.x:1 is air mass to fuel mass,
as stated.

  However, the actual variable in my understanding is the
oxygen and fuel. It is the oxygen in the air that is doing
the chemical burn. The oxygen is some part of that 14.x, and
it would follow that that oxygen content is variable.

  I suppose driving in a forest or driving in downtown
manhatten would change the oxygen content of the air, needing
more or less air for stoich.

  Of course, I am talking out of my head here, not out of
any textbook.

 /       Trevor Boicey         1992 Celica GT    1975 MG Midget     /
`-----  tboicey at  ------------------------------------------'

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