Electrical Supercharger

Geoff Watts geoff at omen.com.au
Wed May 14 00:47:11 GMT 1997

Bypass solenoid?

The Buick one that has just been released in the Australian supercharged holden commodore has a bypass valve


-----Original Message-----
From:	George M. Dailey [SMTP:gmd at tecinfo.com]
Sent:	Tuesday, May 13, 1997 11:22 PM
To:	diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject:	Re: Electrical Supercharger

Gentlemen, if that set up was real, the blower would have been free wheeling
before the clutch was engaged. The roots is pos. displacement right? It
would have to move if air was going through it.

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