eec-iv miscellani
Tom Cloud
cloud at
Tue May 20 16:33:23 GMT 1997
A copy of a post I sent this morning to the eec-iv
list (a spin-off subset of diy-efi)
if you're interested in participating in the eec-iv list
check out
or write Paul Nowak <p-nowak at>
(also, if you participate in other eec-iv related lists
-- e.g. fordnatics, mustangs, t-birds, etc please post
the info about how to join and you may also re-post what
I've written below)
To: EEC-EFI List <eec-efi2 at>
From: cloud at (Tom Cloud)
Subject: miscellani
Date: Tue, 20 May 1997 09:58:26 +0000
1 - where's the list activity ?? why aren't you doing
something? Aren't you supposed to be finding out all aobut
the eec so I can fix mine ???? ;-)
2 - I'm going to be watching for this post, but it still
seems I don't get copies of what I send to the list sent
back to me .... either the list is dead, stalled, the i-net
gods don't like me .... or something
3 - does anyone have any clues as to the additional op-codes
for the 8061 (i.e. in addition to the 8096 codes I recently
4 - has anyone figured out the pinouts for the memory devices
on the EEC ?
5 - is the cpu on the eec (8061) pinout the same as for the
8096 ?
6 - who knows about the inner workings of the eec-iv ??
(M.W., hyper-tech, Auburn Performance, ...., who else?
7 - there's a guy named Brian Warburton
"Brian Warburton, c/o Turbo Systems Ltd" <bwarb at>
(except his e-mail address doesn't work for me) who says he
was a consultant for Ford on the eec-iv. Has anyone heard
of him ?? ..... know how to get hold of him ?
8 - what do you want to get out of the eec-iv list (and why
isn't there more activity on it -- but that's another question)?
9 - can anyone be of any help as I try to decipher the physical
layout of the eec-iv I've scrounged ??
..... e.g. is the pinout of the 8061 different from the 8096 ?
M.W. says the ROM's are proprietary -- what are
their pinouts ?? how would I go about finding
those out ???
- what do the numbers on the eec label mean?
(mine has E8B08 E7SF-12A650-A1B)
10 - where would one find a list of the various ecu's; their
identifying numbers; their applications and (hopefully)
their distinguishing characteristics/differences
11 - where is a source for re-built eec-iv units ?
(M.W. once told me of a place in Canada -- "Standard"
was the name, but I can't find any data on them)
thanks ... maybe we can get some discussion going here
Tom Cloud <cloud at>
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