4-wire sensor

Matt Sale mds at mot.delcoelect.com
Fri May 23 12:34:07 GMT 1997

OK, so I picked up a 4-wire O2 sensor ($42 @ Western Auto) yesterday.
Now, does anyone know which wire does what?  I assume the two white
wires are grounds, one for the sensor and one for the heater.  Then
there is a black wire and a grey wire, so which is the sensor?

Does the heater connection go straight to switched 12V (through a 
fuse), or should it be current limited, or possibly even computer 

Anybody know where to find the connector for this beast, or do I
just need to cut one off a wreck?

Matthew D. Sale,  IC Development Engineer, Delco Electronics Corp.
msale at iquest.net   http://www.iquest.net/~msale
'69 Mustang 351W 5-spd (13.656 at 103MPH using cave-man technology).

All responses are my own and should not be mistaken
for those of Delco Electronics or General Motors.

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