2 Stroke Bike EFI

Brad Campbell bcampbel at omen.com.au
Tue Nov 11 05:06:41 GMT 1997

Has anyone had any experience with Motorcycle EFI Systems?
I have a Yamaha RZ350 that I would like to put engine management
onto, I am having difficulties with the hardware side of the fuel
I have based my design on a HC11 as I already have boards for this
processor and a lot of experience programming it. The mappable
ignition is not a problem, that works already, but I am after suggestions
as to injectors, fuel pumps and regulators for this application.
As you can well imagine, there is not a lot of room to play with on a
small 2 stroke bike. I was thinking of possibly using the fueling
hardware off a small car, like a toyota corolla or possibly a hyundai.
The catch is the injectors have to remain accurate to about 12000 RPM
This, of course being the equivalent of a car revving at 24000 Rpm.
I have thought about 2 injectors per cylinder and just sequencing them.
Purely to allow them extra time to recover. And the injectors have to meter
a lot less fuel, given each cylinder is only 175 cc's.
Oil is already injected so I do not have a problem here.


Brad Campbell
"How can one piece of insulated wire bring so much happiness"
<Homer Simpson on Cable TV>

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