Flow Bench?

neil.poersch at mts.mb.ca neil.poersch at mts.mb.ca
Tue Nov 18 16:54:47 GMT 1997

I dont have the table of contents handy however it is exactly as it's title
suggests ... a low budget way to flow your heads.  It describes a way to
build a cheap flow bench using a vacuum cleaner, plastic pipe fittings and
a vacuum guage.  It then describes how to make rubber molds and then
plaster casts of your cylinder heads so you have something to practice on.
It also talks about how to actually do some cutting and testing.



On Mon, 17 Nov 1997 neil.poersch at mts.mb.ca wrote:
> Yes.  That's the ONE!
> Neil
> Sooo, I did find the following book at amazon:
>      "Practical Gas Flow : Techniques for Low-Budget Performance Tuning"
>                            by John Dalton
> Neil, is this the ONE? <
I've seen this one while surfing Amazon as well.  Can anybody recomend
it?  What's it's contents?
thanks in advance

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