Flow Bench?

Garfield garfield at pilgrimhouse.com
Thu Nov 20 06:12:02 GMT 1997

On Wed, 19 Nov 1997 23:10:15 -0600, "Joe Chiasson"
<chiasson at hutchtel.net> wrote:

>> Hmmm, if that's the same thing as "stoddard solvent", then it's NAPTHA!
>> You must be thinking of sumpthin else, eh?
>> Garfield
>stoddard solvent it is, test injectors pumps whatever you want,  not sure
>what SAE stadard it is, stoddard solvent has the same viscosity as gasoline
>with a lower vapour pressure, ideal,

But, but.... I thought naptha was nicely flammable!? Is it not so? I
distinctly remember seeing "injector flow test fluid" somewheres, but if
it's JUST naptha, I sure don't wanna pay an armNleg for just a
"specially marked box". Heh.

If naptha will do, and is noticeably less flammable and safer than
gazoleen, then hey, I'll go with it. It SURE is real easy to find at
Home Despot.


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