4-cyl HEI in GM Autos?

amcknig at creighteld.k12.az.us amcknig at creighteld.k12.az.us
Sat Nov 29 15:26:24 GMT 1997


On the 4 terminal modules, the computer in the black box does the con 
trolling.  Some of the chevys have another black box hooked to the 
knock sensor tha sends a signal to the main computer if a knocking 
situation occurs.  The computer then controls the Ign module.

I think Garfield wants to find out if the module(not a 4 term)   has 
the ability to change the advance-retard curve therough one of the 
external terminals.  Tkhis could be by changing the resistance, 
voltage, or pulse configuration.  

Well anyway thats where I was headed when I was rudely interupted by 
lack of interest in electronics and a switch to mechanical solutions. 
VW went that way with the rabbit, but they have since seen the lite.
I am back on course(although easily dettered) once again.

Bob McKnight

PS Garfield - I hope I read you rite, although I'm sure you'll let me 
know if I didn't.

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