Wastegate mod.....

Simon Quested questeds at whio.lincoln.ac.nz
Wed Oct 8 22:53:48 GMT 1997

Hi All

I had a thought last night while reading about wastegates...
Since they start to open at anywhere from 30% - 50 % of the boost 
regulation point (ie: max boost ) they waste some energy/exhaust 
gas that could be used to spool the turbo up quicker.
If you used a map sensor and maybe 2 op-amps you could make a 
board that controlled a boost solinoid so that when 1 psi was reached 
it opened fully and stayed open untill 1 - 2 psi before max boost, then 
it would shut and let the pressure activated diaphram take over. this 
would mean the the turbo would get ALL of the exhaust gas untill it 
didn't need any more.  
This wont make much difference in 1st or 2nd but in the last 3 gears 
it should help a lot. This idea is nothing new, this is what all those 
expensive boost controllers do......... but as I don't want "in car 
adjustible boost" flashy leds blah blah all I want is the performance 
and NOT the price.

I was thinking that this will be easy to build ......any comments


  Simon Quested (E-mail questeds at lincoln.ac.nz)
  Computer Technician, Silicon Graphics & Windows NT Support
  Centre for Computing and Biometrics
  Phone (64)(03) 3252811 Ext. 8087
Albert Einstein: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and
human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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