Wastegate mod.....

Simon Quested questeds at whio.lincoln.ac.nz
Mon Oct 13 20:39:01 GMT 1997

Hi Adrian and all
>      The Electronic boost controller 
>      can calculate when to start to open the wastegate by looking at the 
>      gradient of the boostcurve ie. if it is rising quickly (1st gear, or 
>      on-off-on at high revs), open the wastegate earlier. if boost is 
>      rising slowly, hold the wastegate closed longer (5th gear up a hill).

This is what I have been trying to find out ! I have only found two shops here in 
Christchurch that have them in store but as usual the salesman doesn't know 
any info of use, and is just parroting what's in the promo leaflets anyway. 
>      Ideally you would want to optimise your settings for the situation 
>      where boost rises quickest, as otherwise you could over-shoot to 
>      catastrophic boost levels in these conditions if you optimised for 
>      slower rising boost conditions. I think that the situation of quickest 
>      rising boost is if you have high engine load, and high revs, and then 
>      back off (close throttle and reduce boost) and floor it. As boost 
>      recovers it should rise really quickly due to already in high revs and 
>      high load, so alot of exhaust gas going through the turbo.

Thanks for the advice I hadn't even thought about that .......I new there was a 
reason I subscribed to this list ;-)

>      One other advantages that electronic boost controllers have is 
>      accurate setting of boost, but I don't think this is of concern to you 
>      since you don't intend to adjust the boost from the wastegate setting.

You are right there, I just want my engine tune for max power =-)
Thanks again for the useful advice and info


  Simon Quested (E-mail questeds at lincoln.ac.nz)
  Computer Technician, Silicon Graphics & Windows NT Support
  Centre for Computing and Biometrics
  Phone (64)(03) 3252811 Ext. 8087
Albert Einstein: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and
human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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