NC-converting MathCAD files

Tom Cloud cloud at
Mon Oct 13 21:33:21 GMT 1997

>Simon Quested wrote:
>> > >I just did quite a few calculations determining the fuel delivery needed
>> > >for the twin turbo project in MathCAD, and was wondering if there was a
>> > >way to convert it into a GIF, JPEG, or table so I could put it on the
>> > >homepage.
>In windows, if you press the "print screen" button the entire screen
>image is saved to the clipboard.  You can then start your favorite
>graphics editor like lview, or even paintbrush (GACK), paste, and there
>you are.

dang, Steve  .....  I figured they'd "lost" the Print Screen function.
Tried it and it works great.  Thanks!

Tom Cloud

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