Radiator Cap (plus a real question)

Matt Watts (Formula SAE Racing) mwatts at facility.cs.utah.edu
Wed Oct 15 04:23:12 GMT 1997

You all have me a little confused here.  If the water is flowing faster
and the system is a closed loop, it has no choice but to transfer some
maximum amount of heat from the engine to the radiator.  What the
radiator does with it is another story.  Now cavitation in the pump can
certainly raise hell.  Take a stock water pump and spin it to 15000 RPM--
it won't pump more water, it will cavitate and simply splash the water
around inside itself providing zero to operation of the cooling system.
As I recall, this is why racing engines use small pulleys for the water
pump shaft to slow them down to a speed that allows them to pump
normally within specifications.

I guess I can't see the big picture once things get way out of normal
operating conditions.  To me it seems like some of you are saying
that pulling the thermostat out of an engine is the same as using a
smaller firehose to put out a burning building--I'd recommend the three
inch hose over the garden hose if it's my house in flames.

In any event, let's get back to the regular scheduled event of fuel
injection.  Starting with...

Has anyone burned their own PLDs to take a signal in binary
digital format, and produce a pulse width modulated signal based
on some clock frequency?  If so, what device did you use (i.e.
a Cypress part like a 374, MAX344, or maybe a standard 22V10)?

Matt Watts
University of Utah
Formula SAE Racing

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