Wastegate mod.....

Robert Schaefer rschaefe at freenet.columbus.oh.us
Thu Oct 16 20:02:56 GMT 1997

On Thu, 16 Oct 1997, Jay Wallace wrote:

> At 08:56 AM 10/14/97 EST, you wrote:
> >     Simon, Robert,
> >     
> >     In my experience, Electronic boost controllers (EBCs) can considerably 
> >     improve the boost curve of a car, but my experience revolves around 


> I have been following this thread with considerable interest. I


Me too!  'Cept, I haven't had a lotta road time on a turbo- or
super-charged car, so I gotta mostly guess 'bout what'd be A Good
Thing(TM).  With a micro in the EBC, it shouldn't be too much trouble t'
add most any kinda sensor ya felt like-- like, maybe, a sensor in the
steering linkage somewheres, t' keep the boost constant when the wheel is
turned so far from straight.  That would eliminate one more place t' get
into trouble. (Word to the wise, _don't_, even accidentally, slip the
clutch on a blown engine in a turn, unless ya -rilly- know what yer doin'!)
The best thing 'bout something like that (micro-controlled EBC) is that it
could (or at least, should be able to) be changed very easily--  key in a
different set o' numbers, or at the very least, pop in a new
flash/EEPROM/whatever with yer fav parms on it.  Good idea?



"If they don't want subs, let 'em watch duhbs!"

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