question about CPU kit?

Michael Skolones michaels at
Mon Oct 20 18:20:44 GMT 1997

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     I'm all for another group PCB buy.  My CPU boards have no silkscreen, 
     and I don't have a BDM board or I/O board. If anyone has extra cards 
     lying around, other than the CPU board, let me know if you can part 
     with them
     A Question: In looking at the parts kit I received over the weekend 
     (looks _great_ by the way. Nice job. Better than commercial kits I 
     have seen) it seems that some of the components mount on boards other 
     than the CPU card, correct?
     Mike Skolones

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Subject: Re: question about CPU kit?
Author:  diy_efi at at Internet
Date:    10/19/97 5:34 PM

> From: "Dave J. Andruczyk"
> Was the CPU kits that were just shipped out supposed to come with a PC
> board? ( had assumed so..)  I never recieved one. Anyone have any extra's? 
> btw Gary, I had ordered a "complete kit" which I thought had a PC board in 
> it.
> Dave
Sorry to hear you thought a PC board was included.  Someone else did a 
CPU PC board group buy before I put together the parts kit group buy. 
At the time, most of us already had CPU boards so there is no PC board 
in the parts kit.  This was made clear at the beginning of the buy, in 
some of the EFI332 status updates and in direct e-mail. The parts list 
on the Group Buy page shows no PCB as part of the buy.
If demand is there, another CPU, BDM or whatever PCB buy can always take 
place.  Maybe someone can do a batch of PC board group buys when the I/O 
board is finished.
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