Op amping the O2 sensor

Tom Cloud cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu
Fri Oct 24 15:52:50 GMT 1997

>The question of the post:  Is the frequency of the GM ECU swinging of
>the mixture back and forth through stoichiometric beyond the frequency
>limit of op amps?

absolutely NOT .... it's entirely possible that a 741 or 324 type
might not be able to follow the slew rate of the EGO signal -- don't
know what it is.  Do know that it's supposed to be fast enough to
allow monitoring of each exhaust pulse -- but don't know if there's
an rpm limit to this

There's op-amps out there with bandwidths of hunnerts of megacycles

Tom Cloud

 Clothes make the man ....  Naked people have little or no influence on society.

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