Op amping the O2 sensor

dnult dnult at concentric.net
Sat Oct 25 00:31:31 GMT 1997

Negative Negative...this ain't true.  *Hunnerts a megacycles* possibly
if looking at a forier transform to the infinate degree.  Someone said
the signal is about 10Hz and this is correct.  70Hz should be more than
adequate to duplicate the signal without induced error.

Besides, the ECU looks for cross counts, not frequency and slew rate.


Tom Cloud wrote:
> >The question of the post:  Is the frequency of the GM ECU swinging of
> >the mixture back and forth through stoichiometric beyond the frequency
> >limit of op amps?
> absolutely NOT .... it's entirely possible that a 741 or 324 type
> might not be able to follow the slew rate of the EGO signal -- don't
> know what it is.  Do know that it's supposed to be fast enough to
> allow monitoring of each exhaust pulse -- but don't know if there's
> an rpm limit to this
> There's op-amps out there with bandwidths of hunnerts of megacycles
> Tom Cloud
>  Clothes make the man ....  Naked people have little or no influence on society.

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