fuel filter fittings

Tom Cloud cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu
Fri Oct 31 14:02:38 GMT 1997

>Early musicions used to say electronic keyboards were an abomination. We
>routinely use compression fittings on sample systems with 4,000psi of
>pressure at 1,000F. They have worked for us for well over 20 years.

In 1961 and 1962, first years in college, I worked as a pipe fitter
and still operator at a local chemical research plant.  Most of what
I did was with typical acids, bases and steam, but there was a section
of the plant that did hi-pressure work -- 5000 to 15,000#.  The walls
were double constructed of those big hollow concrete bricks with
the roofs designed to blow off so any explosions could go up instead
of out.  They had a large "18-wheeler" type trailer in a large, vacant
area with several long, large tubes filled with hydrogen.  I relate all
of this to say that I worked a little with the hydrogen pump -- a dual
stage affair that operated under oil to keep oxygen from any hydrogen
that might leak out -- that pumped the H2 to 5000# (for the project I
worked on anyway).  The tubing was SS, about 1/4" in diameter with
a pinhole sized i.d.  Many of the fittings were compression!

Very few of the tubing fittings we used were flare -- and they
were the ones to give problems.  Based on my experience and from
what I see at Home Desperate, et al, it looks to me that it's like
crimp electrical fittings or any number of other things -- it's
the quality of the part.  The stuff I see at the builders' supplies
are not of the quality we used at the chemical plant -- but, I've
used many of those fittings as well and have never had a failure
except on the cheap plastic hose.  (Wish I could remember the brand
names -- remember that one of the favorite valves was Whitey ...)

Tom Cloud

  If your kids borrowed something  ....  go buy yourself a new one!

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